On 13th September 2022, The PAOGZ Presiding Bishop, Dr. Joshua HK Banda visited the saints in Mumbwa, a Zone in Midlands District of PAOGZ.
Midlands District leadership was represented by the right Rev Chasemena and the Zone leader Rev Mwenya as well as Rev from the Host Church – Mizpah Assembly of God and other district leaders.
As always it was a delight for Dr JHK Banda and Pastor Gladys ZM Banda to host an evening to thank the pastors in their labour for the Lord and to hear that church planting and mission efforts have continued and now there are 21 churches in the area.
During the packed service, where members sat on the stage after no room was left and to avoid people sitting in the scorching sun, Dr Banda reminded the church family that each of the Assemblies was to be a transformation centre in their are.
There was much encouragement, singing and praising God and 17 people made decisions for Christ.
The very first, then called General Superintendent (now Presiding Bishop) of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God in Zambia, Rev Luka Sefuka who has settled in Mumbwa, also graced the occasion.
The people also heard from the area Counsilor who addressed the community on ways to utilise the CDF funds for the vulnerable, youths and women.
The holistic meeting was of great encouragement as the Lord added to our numbers those that were saved. Glory to God!